2023 BLOG

really short.

date: 12/14/23

time: 9:24pm

currently listening to: nothing right now

oops i haven't done a blog entry in a while... i've been incredibly busy :/ . christmas is almost here!!! i am only getting one present this year because of my family's financial struggles, but i'm still just excited to see family! i have a moderately rich and very eccentric and fun aunt, morna. she was able to get a vacation house in the outer banks and everyone on my mom's side of the family is coming. i get to see my favorite cousins which is so fun, and finally my great-aunt and uncle and their family is going to join too. aunt cherri didn't go the other times we have met because she was afraid of getting covid or some other sickness, but we've finally convinced her to just drive with my family instead of flying on a plane. i don't know how i'm going to be able to handle a 2? day car ride with the most hyperactive/hypertalkative 11 yr old brother (morgan) in the world but i will let you know if i make it.

i am super excited to see my (kind of) twin cousin jessica and my younger cousin stacia. jesse is from california and she's pretty cool, and even though we are both super close in age she has been labelled as the oldest and most mature cousin (which makes sense because i am so much more immature than her). stacia is 12 yrs old and from virginia, and even though she has a southern bell accent and is very tiny and cute, she is super crazy and weird. she asked me once to teach her how to twerk kind of weird, listens to biggie smalls snoop dog and eminem kind of weird, wore a grinch beanie for the duration of december last year kind of weird, etc. i still love her though and we get into all these crazy adventures together lol. one person i am not very excited to see is my half-cousin jason. he is around morgan's age and is just a creep. he pansted morgan once and morgan almost beat him up, and it was so funny because he had his fist up about to hit him and jason was saying "please don't hurt me! pleeease!" and when morgan didn't hit him and left, jason called him a fucking wimp. lol shut the fuck up you were literally begging for your life a minute ago. he also says the n-word and makes racist jokes about black people all the time, even though he is half white/indian. poor stacia didn't really understand how serious it is to not say the n-word and i had to tell her later that what jason was doing was really bad and morgan should have actually beat him up then. but whatever. one of these days (i'm guessing around this vacation) morgan is going to be pushed over the edge and beat him up for real. morgan is a serious softie and wouldn't hurt a fly but there have been times when he's gotten into fights for self defense, and he's a pretty muscular kid for an 11 yr old. so i won't be surprised if jason ends up dead soon. or his parents finally figures out which cousin they heard saying the n-word and he'll get killed by them. which means that i don't have to worry about that asshole. i'll keep my first fight for someone my own age lol. i wouldn't be surprised if alex beats him up too. he is 13? and a football player, and seriously mature for his age. a pretty nice kid but you can push him off his edge really quickly. he's also stacia's older brother which means he's got a little bit of psycho in him too. well i pretty much just introduced you to almost all my cousins on my mom's side so i might as well introduce rosie, heaven's devil as some of us like to call her. she (besides morgan lol) is the baby of the group, and is 3 yrs old i think. she is an absolute angel and is creepily smart for her age haha. well, most of the time she is an angel until you start watching powerpuff girls with her and she screams bloody murder in your ear. sometimes i wonder how jesse handles her as a little sister everyday. my aunt morna lives with jesse and her parents and will babysit rosie all the time, and taught her to say "shut the front door" whenever her preschool teacher annoyed her. can't wait to hear her preschool stories lol. anyways, that's it for me ranting about my cousin dynamics i have to write some stuff in my paper journal :)

date: 12/7/23

time: 6:53pm

currently listening to: my mom's christmas playlist (that is way better than ms. wicks')

today was a bit better than the last few days. i am kind of staring to get the hang of electrical (of course on the second to last day) and i am appreciating. i personally can't enjoy it because of my shaky hands and short term memory, but if there was no stress to get at least 3 projects done i would enjoy it. I have done about a quarter of the 3rd project done today and i hope i can finish it tomorrow. i had to do the wiring diagram by myself and i asked for help from a different teacher hoping that he would just suggest what i needed to do for the part i needed help on. instead, he re-did the schematic diagram even though he told me i was right and then re-taught me how to do a wiring diagram. i honestly didn't care anymore about being embarrased because trust me i have embarrased myself worse. but i did the actual making of the wiring job myself, and i hope i don't need help from the teachers because i got an 80 and an 84 on my first 2 projects, and i want to make it into the 90's on this one! i did make friends with this girl named Leila though, which is good because we are both in the same math class so we can continue hanging out. lunch is also pretty fun with allen and chloe. after lunch, right before clean up, someone pulled the fire alarm in culinary and everyone rushed out to the parking lot. this one annoying kid in my shop was talking to this other annoying kid, and for real he said "the fire alarm sounds like a star wars laser beam" and made "pew pew" noises for the LONGEST TIME. it was pretty funny but also really annoying. so right now my mom is playing christmas music and "trying to get into a jolly mood" while yelling at my brother for tying the trash bag wrong. my dad is getting all bent out of shape with our ancient laundry machines, and i'm trying to block all of it out. pretty much a normal night.

date: 12/5/23

time: 3:38pm

currently listening to: kute by alex g

so today seriously sucked. i have electrical for this shop week, and to say the least it is incredibly hard. we have multiple projects and the minimum you can do is 3 projects. the first one i set up the wiring and the box things and i did pretty well, because pretty much all you did was mount everything and stripped the cables to show the wires. or so i thought. today i had to actually connect everything and add an outlet, a light switch, and a light bulb. when i had stripped the wires for the switch box, i didn't realize i would have to twist them together and hook them to the actual switch, and i had to strip more cable and put more wire into the box. i had also twisted all of my bare copper wire together all the way, because the stupid teacher did a whole demonstration of the whole project once and then expected us to remember everything. so then i had to untwist all of the wire which made the wire all bent out of shape, then create hooks out of the bent wire and attach them to the light switch. finally, i was able to box everything together and made it look like a real light switch. so the teacher comes over to check if it works, and you want to know what he tells me? he says "it's great and all and otherwise you would have continued on to the next step, buuuuut your light switch is upside down. SO NOW i have to take all of the boxing out, undo my hooks and switch the damn thing the other way and rehook the wires and put back the boxing. this took about half of my day. by the time i finished the damn project everyone was halfway through their fucking second project. so now i need to do a whole ScHeMatIc DiAgrAm thing to do my second project which is so stupid. i asked the teacher what i do for it and he goes through this whole lecture on it even though i know how to make a schematic diagram because he taught us all yesterday. but honestly i was so tired and embarrassed at that point that i just shut up and let him embarrass me. i think he could tell and he obviously didn't care. what made it even worse though was that one of my teammates from volleyball was in the class with me (we switch classmates every shop week). she does not like me at all, and the only reason why she isn't outwardly mean to me is because we are on the same team. i have this bad luck thing that whenever i do something stupid she is always there and it's just so much worse that she is watching me struggle to that point. the one good thing that happened today was that i have lunch with allen, chloe, and they are friends and sitting with other girls that are really nice and i talked to, including gabi who is in some of my classes. at least i can take a break there.

date: 12/1/23

time: 11:04pm

currently listening to: nothing right now

this deserves it's own blog entry. OH MY GOSH I KIND OF FIGURED OUT CSS!!! well, figured it out enough to change the color of my background and text. i still need some more studying on css but im getting there! i'm sorry, i just needed to celebrate that for a second lol.

date: 12/1/23

time: 12:12pm

currently listening to: 2023 christmas music (unwillingly)

so right now i am in digital literacy class being tortured by ariana grande's christmas songs. i hate digital literacy so much. we are literally learning shit like "how to turn off your computer" and "valid resources" and it it is killing me. the music is drilling into my brain. i don't think i can take this anymore. this blog is the only way to distract from my pain. i literally hate my teacher in this class so much. her name is ms. wicks and she was alive when jesus was born. she is supposed to be teaching us computer skills but we literally know more about computers than she does. she's currently staring at me giving me a weird smile. i think she is schitzophrenic. oh wait. now shes snapping her fingers and doing dancey hand motions to jingle bells. i am going to die in this hellhole. welp, i have to do some history homework. crossing my fingers i make it through this.

date: 11/27/23

time: 7:14pm

currently listening to: chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey

yessss my first entry! i am currently supposed to be doing my math homework but i think i have enough time to squeeze an entry in. today was pretty decent compared to most days, i got to hang out with daphne and my two other friends allen and gallant (those are their last names since they both have the same first name, and i don't want to give away their full name). daphne has been my friend since the 3rd grade, but since i went to a charter middle school instead of the one in my hometown we haven't seen each other that much. sometimes it's hard to come up with conversation with her but we are still pretty good friends and i like hanging out with her. actually, last month i was a part of her court in her quinceanara and it was so fun and amazing getting to celebrate it with her. i've never danced with a boy let alone be within 5 feet of one so it was a little terrifying but i got over it after the first few practices. allen is a friend that i have only talked to for about two weeks, but we talk to each other a ton now. she's part of her own band and she sings really well and writes her own music, which is so cool. she's also really funny and just a bubbly person. it's funny how she's such a talkative and positive person and then listen to heavy metal like korn and rage against the machine, but also super rad. gallant i started talking to eachother at the first week of school since we both sit at the same table. she's also really talkative and is absolutely obsessed with deftones, and i love deftones too but she is definetely a bigger fan than me. she is also kind of a nerd (she plays fortnite and roblox 2/47) but that adds to her charm. we had this talk about all of our old embarrasing phases and we both had an obsessive phase over twilight and my chemical romance in 5th grade which is such a coincidence, right? anyways, i also made friends with chloe, who was on my jv volleyball team. we both naturally started hanging out when sky (another girl on our team) invited me, her, and a bunch of teammates to go to the first football game and then left to hang out with a girl named courtney. we both are super bad at socializing but are so chatty at the same time so were a pretty good match. i've had some rough times (er, all the embarrassing stuff i did during volleyball season) but i think i'm doing pretty well for coming to a new highschool. i don't really know what i want to pick for my shop, but i'm thinking maybe dvc (arts shop) and i have the whole year exploring every shop. it's annoying though that i haven't been able to read my book salem's lot or do much in my journal because i have been so busy with my homework. my tech school has double the workload that the normal highschool does. in fact, i do have my mathwork AND HOLY CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT MY CHAPTER 12 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS I NEED TO DO THAT. um that might be a problem since it's 7:33 now. i gotta go :/